
Friday, June 24, 2011

Don't Miss This...

Charm City Craft Mafia's indie show, Pile of Craft, is Saturday, June 25, 2010 from 10am to 5pm at 2640 St Paul Street, Baltimore MD 21218, inside St John’s Church.
This year’s fair will have over 65 of the best local and national crafters, as well as a weaving demonstration, by Carly Goss of Carlybird Weaves (and Krista's fabulous teacher), a free photobooth, and a raffle to win a huge basket full of goodies that supports Baltimore Clayworks. Don’t forget to check out the vendors before you go. Pure awsomeness!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

from Bmore Media

Metalsmith Megan Auman - Photo by Arianne Teeple

Read this great story/interview that shares insights and advice from someone else who's crafting a life...


Metalsmith Megan Auman Welds Together Her Own Brand of Entrepreneurship

In late 2009, when her  business was in somewhat of a slump, Megan Auman thought that perhaps it would be prudent to go back to school for an MBA. She mentioned the idea to a friend, who responded, "That's ridiculous. You could teach that stuff."

Auman, a metalsmith, teacher, and entrepreneur, began selling her jewelry collections a decade ago while completing her MFA at Kent State. After a year-long teaching sabbatical at Towson University, she decided to spend less time in the classroom and more time working on her business. It was in her blood -- Auman's father bought and operated the machine shop her grandfather originally opened in Jonestown, PA, where she still resides.

So she switched to part time teaching and began attending craft shows with her work. Around 2007, she opened a store on Etsy, a worldwide virtual marketplace for handmade goods, and in March of 2009 she became a featured seller (her interview ishere).

Yet by the end of that year, Auman felt lost. She had product lines she wasn't sure about and trade shows were getting slow. That's when she began to contemplate returning to school.

Instead she chose autodidactism, and started a blog with a mind to chronicle the process, which she named Crafting an MBA

Read the rest of Megan's story:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hairpin Lace

I've been dying to try this crochet technique, hairpin lace, for a while. The tools are simple: yarn, crochet hook, and the loom to build your fabric strip on. I got my loom (Susan Bates) from a local craft store for around $5.

In hairpin lace the fabric is formed by wrapping yarn around the prongs of the hairpin lace loom, making the loops that will build to form your fabric. Those loops are held together by a row of single crochet stitches worked in the center and referred to as the spine of your work. The fabric strip that's being created on your loom can be as long as you want. The loom also allows you to adjust the width of the fabric strip.

The loom itself holds quite a bit of yarn (depending on the weight) and the bottom of the loom can be removed if you need more room to grow your strip. Once the fabric strip is long enough I'll remove it from the loom and start another. The strips can be joined to create wider fabric, that has a lightweight very air feel.

I'm not sure yet how long my strips will be, or how many I'll do, or what the final garment will be. A scarf (that's a no brainer). Maybe a shrug or wrap. A skirt; who knows?! I'm really just getting the feel of the technique right now.

I'll keep you updated on my progress. Stay tuned...
Oh yeah, when I was figuring out how to do this I used this tutorial:

Yarn happy!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Extreme Yarn Craft

World Wide Knitting (and Crochet) Day is this weekend (and also International Yarn-Bombing Day too)! A veritable fiber frenzy. Pick-up your sticks and yarn and make something!

Afraid to go solo? You can do it with friends at Lovely Yarns ( this weekend in Hampden.

And check out the post below from

Yarn happy!

A new trend is inspiring people to sew the oddest of things

By Brooke Lea Foster contributor
updated 6/6/2011 4:16:04 PM ET

It all started with a door handle. Magda Sayeg was tired of the standard brass handle in the entrance of her Houston boutique. So she knitted it a sweater. The knit handle made her smile, but she didn’t expect so many people to pop in her shop and ask about it. “It was this selfish urge to add warmth to my surroundings,” says Sayeg, 37. “People were so excited.”

It inspired her to knit a cover around a stop sign pole near her shop. Then a knit cover for a fire hydrant, and another for a mailbox. She’s since woven a career around knitting “suits” for unusual things, like a car, motorcycle, even a city bus in Mexico City. Her dream project: To cover a plane in a knit sweater. “There’s something nostalgic about knit and crochet,” she says. “There are the notions of childhood, it makes you feel carefree and happy.”

Sayeg, a mother of three in Austin, Texas, is credited with inspiring a knitting revolution. It’s called "yarn bombing.” Think of it as graffiti in chunky knits. Renegade crafters around the world “storm” a public space with colorful displays of knit and crochet. Many take photos of everything from bridges to streetlights covered in knit and send them to Sayeg; she’s received emails from Hong Kong, Estonia, Capetown. “If I can encourage a grandma to go out and do something like tag a friend’s mailbox, that fills me with joy,” says Sayeg. (She’s gotten emails from a few such longtime knitters.)

According to Leanne Prain, the author of Yarn Bombing: The Art of Knit Graffiti, Sayeg has inspired crafters accustomed to sewing functional items like potholders and baby blankets to use knit as art. Why would anyone want to knit a car or, say, a stop sign rather than a sweater? “It’s fun to express yourself without rules,” says Prain. “When you put something knit up, people want to touch it and feel it. It’s taking back knitting as a form of self expression.”

One Paris artist knitted colorful pothole covers and installed them on city streets to call attention to the Paris’s deteriorating roads. In the Alps of Italy, a 200-foot-long knitted pink rabbit is on display until 2025; it’s so big that you can see it from Google Earth, and yes, it’s rotting.

On Valentine’s Day, some knitters have crocheted hearts and left them around their hometowns, says Prain. During the World Cup, she says, fans will knit small flags and hand them out. On Easter, a statue in Boston was yarn bombed with a pair of bunny ears. Two artists in Washington state, who call themselves "2fibrefriends," knitted Dr. Seuss-like trunk covers for trees in their town. "We started small but one thing led to another … and before we knew it, we were covering 20 foot stumps in our fair city with 68,000 yards of yarn or 38.6 miles," one recently told Prain during an interview for her site,

Agata Oleksiak, a 33-year-old artist known as "Olek," covered her Brooklyn apartment — from the walls to her TV to her furniture — in knit. The knitted room is now an installation at the Christopher Henry Gallery in Manhattan, and her works will be on exhibition at the Smithsonian next year.

Dr. Karen Norberg, an epidemiologist and child psychiatrist at the University of Washington, knitted a human brain and posted it online. Other crafters have knitted condoms or weird science projects, like a frog mid-dissection with his internal organs exposed.

Artist Ed Bing Lee uses macramé (a process using knotting rather than knitting) to create food items, like cheeseburgers and tubs of popcorn. Each object takes about 3 to 6 weeks to complete and is made up of 200 to 300 knots per square inch; they cost between $2,000 and $12,000. Lee doesn’t think that working with fiber is trendy. He’s never heard of yarn bombing. “I’ve been knotting for well over 30 years,” he says. “I like to believe that I have moved beyond the trendy stage.”

Born out of the growing interest in DIY and crafting projects, the knitting revolution seems to tap into the desire to live a more authentic life in a technological age. Knitters around the globe are so inspired that one woman in Canada declared International Yarn Bombing day — on June 11, crafters around the world will take part in renegade knitting. So if you see a stop sign in your neighborhood covered in rainbow crochet, don't be surprised.

Says Sayeg: “We live in fast-paced times. Maybe we’re ready to see something with a more human element.”