Friday, January 13, 2012

The Hook Up: Beginner's Crochet

Instructor: Krista Green
Date: February 25, 2012 12-2pm
Cost: $20 + $4 Material Fee
Never touched a crochet hook before? Hoping to refresh your skills? The Hook Up will help you crochet like a pro!
This introductory series, teaches you the basics of crochet — picking the right yarn and hooks for your projects, basic stitches (including single, double and half-double crochet), and how to put them all together to create a rectangular motif.
Gain the skills to express your individual style with yarn and a crochet hook. Learn to create beautiful cloth (including the classic granny square), measuring gauge and reading a crochet pattern.
By the end of the class, you’ll have a super cute accessory to impress your friends and you’re sure to be hooked!